Reclaim your divinity!

Authentic FREEDOM


Do you want? Healing, Loving-Kindness, Reconciliation.
What is a miracle?

Is it really a pandemic that has caused my health, relationships, finances, racism to be in a crisis? Why am I in these situations? I have got to be aware of my patterns to break them and live freely?

– Living reconciliation? Why not?
– PTSD to Post-Traumatic Growth?
– Sexual assault to blameless life? Why not?
– If I am at peace with myself, can I gracefully let life be?
– Because the mind is naturally restful, what is disturbing my inner harmony and emotional well-being? If the mind is naturally restful can the body be blissful?
– Is the COVID vaccine cure more consumerism? Am I running from covid or myself?
– Could we reverse disease or cancer without the need for pharmaceutical drugs? Absolutely YES, so how has my past influenced my current situations? How will I use this self-knowledge to galvanize GROWTH, PERSONAL-TRANSFORMATION, SELF-TRANSCENDENCE?
– What are your fears? Which will I address today?
– Am I living at my edge?
– Freedom from the need to be right, make people wrong, personal bias or wise…who is I?
– Whilst Dave’s core purpose is EVERYBODY WINS, Dave accepts that not everyone is going to want to live or play in that way.
– “What’s in it for me” or “How can I serve”.?
– Truth or illusions, material or eternal?
– Do I understand my own programming and conditioning?
– Can we blame our parents? No.
– What is the Origin of my fears? And to be aware of the whole patterns of my fears?
– Knowing how to break the rules to follow my heart, missions, values? Because I want to live the rest of my life as my most authentic self? YES, with humility and devotion.
– Why does Dave have a spiritual practise?
– Attitude forges…. Destiny?

➡️ When would be a good time for schools, jails, cancer groups and government departments to be co-operative with EVERYBODY WINS? Everybody Wins Initiatives does not need a war of control, nor does it use relationships to get something from other individuals.
I have decided it is best to build a community: country event (14yrs, adults, families, and professional learning) for sharing TRANSFORMATIONAL-TEACHINGS on Saturday the 27th of November, in Canberra.

If you left the social-dramas behind, who could you emerge as? The greatest gift I have given myself is self-accountability. How? Living in the present moment allows me to make new and helpful choices that shape my destiny. With acceptance, I start over entering the new NOW. Being open to whole new worldviews.

For self-discovery⬇️
1. How will I grow today? Will this help me? Who could help me?
2. How will I become more myself today? What could I be without my past attachments?
3. How will I generously share my gifts, skills, leadership capacities with the world today?

Loving-kindness 💕🌎🙏🏼

Just launched - Everybody Wins Store. All proceeds go towards funding the Everybody Wins school mission!Check It Out
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